Hay Fever (Ceder Pollen Allegy) スギ花粉症 Sugi-Kafunsho In Japan today, an allegy caused by ceder pollen , simply called as "hay fever" in general, is an annoying physical reaction that more than 1/3 of all Japanese people have in common mainly from February to April. Many suffer from such symptoms as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and so on. It's often considered a "national disease" originated in a cirtain situation after World War II in Japan. Now, the Japanese government has set an official goal to adress the problem. Although there are so many kinds of plants that can cause allegic symptoms, the rate of Japanese people who are allegic to ceder pollen is as high as 38.8% out of 42.5% allegic to any kinds of pollen, according to the research conducted in 2019. Therefore, "hay fever" generally refers to ceder pollen allegy in Japan. The allegic reactions coincide with the pollen's disperser of sugi, Japanese ceder, usually between February and...